Demat Registration Manual

Individual Demat

The first screen for Institutional BO Setup is the details of Beneficiary Institute. You enter the detail of the intended institution. Once all the fields are filled, you can click the next button to go to another page.

In the address details screen, you must enter your company’s current and registered address. If the both address is same you can choose the same as current address once you enter the current address.

In the Bank details screen, your bank details must be entered with the bank account type.

  • In the Bank details screen, your bank details must be entered with the bank account type. bank details must be entered with the bank account type.
  • In the Bank details screen, your bank details must be entered with the bank account type.
  • In the Bank details screen, your bank details must be entered with the bank account type.
  • In the Bank details screen, your bank details must be entered with the bank account type.

Institutional Demat

  • In the Bank details screen, your bank details must be entered with the bank account type. bank details must be entered with the bank account type.
  • In the Bank details screen, your bank details must be entered with the bank account type.
  • In the Bank details screen, your bank details must be entered with the bank account type.
  • In the Bank details screen, your bank details must be entered with the bank account type.